Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Update on Life

Hey frandz,

Just thought I'd update this for anyone who actually reads. I'll be doing some craft tutorials really soon, so, SOON FRIENDS. Soooooon.

Bean is 15 months old. We took her to the doctor last Friday - she weighs 19lbs, is 30 inches tall and has a
giant head. Dad and I were joking about her being top heavy and no wonder she wobbles so much when walking. Ha ha ha.

For anyone who doesn't know, the doctors put babies weight, height and head circumferences into percentages compared to the average child. ( Or at least where I go, this is what they do. Could be different else where..)

Here are Bean's:

Height: 31%
Weight: 6%
Head:  65%

Yes, 6% for her weight. Makes me laugh every time. She's always been so tiny - perfectly healthy though and growing as normal!

The nurse had asked me if Bean could say 20 words and I had automatically said "no". I really didn't think she could - then Mom and I decided to count everything she could say today - 20 words! So crazy. My child actually has a vocabulary now. On top of talking, she signs most everything she can say as well! It's so fun to watch her grow.


Frank and I have decided not to move. Well, Frank really decided and I've been trying to learn of ways to coop with it. Decided I'm going to put some flowers up and spruce up outside... we rearranged the living room area ( which is basically our entire home) so it seems a little bigger in here. We, of course, had to move things according to the leak we have. Sigh.
I don't think we have rats anymore. They must of been stuck inside our ceiling, cause once we caught the THIRD one ( that exploded) we haven't heard them. Wooooo. I'll just be keeping up with the mold as usual. Hopefully it won't be as bad now that spring is here and summer is coming.

The backyard yesterday. It was raining and sunny out all day.

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