Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I'm feeling particulary bitchy today, so forgive me in adavance if my entire blog is nothing but whining.

For the past 2 days, Elizabeth has been fighting something fierce. I'm not entirely sure what it started out being but it began with her refusing my boob/ nutrious goodness from the heavens/cure for anything in babies. This isn't normal for her, she normally will take boob milk any chance she gets. She then started showing that her teeth were bugging her. This didn't surprise me considering the poor girl basically got all the 5 teeth she has currently, at once. The next morning she woke up around 2AM gagging and pushing herself off me. Since she had been refusing boob, my warocks were abonormally large, and ridiculous sore, so once she had pushed herself off me, I woke up in imediate pain and leaking milk everywhere. Only to have her follow with puking all over me..and the bed. Bean as a small infant, was what most parents would call "A puker". I had gotton used to being thrown up on, but this was different. As I stated earlier, she was refusing milk, so she only had what she had been eating the previous day. Baby beef/veggies, nana, and some Baby Tyelnol. Her usual milk colored throw up was now a disgusting, Tyenol smelling, goo, and it was all over me. The following day I was woken up to my Mom calling asking if we wanted to go Christmas shopping. I'm not a shopper but I agreed. I'll take any excuse to leave the house. :) Bean slept ALL day. I'm not being over the top either, ALL DAY. She fell asleep while I was giving her a bath, she fell asleep while I was changing her, she fell asleep while I was feeding her breakfast. She slept through the entire ride to Alger we made, while we shopped. It was so bizarre! Mom and I, of course, were really worried. This wasn't like Bean.

This morning, she woke up and has been playing for the few hours she's been awake. Back to her normal self, although now, she has a never ending thing of snot. I know, again.


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