Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012 Meow

Saturday, November 17th, 2012.
Friends! The above picture is of Elizabeth taking her first steps! I am one proud Mama and have been showing the internet world this picture over and over again. Part of myself feels guilty for posting so many pictures of her on Facebook. I don't post much on any other site. Excluding this one... I also have a few on a Mom365 site I joined when first having Bean. Any of you  Mom's out there who haven't joined I encourage you too! Or if you are or trying to get pregnant! It's great for asking questions about anything!

OH! I also found the blog I wrote while I was pregnant. It's is a good laugh.

 All about Elizabean!

Anyways. I know I bug the shit out of some people, posting so many pictures. I really can't help myself though. I want to share ALL of Elizabeth's accomplishments with my family and friends. Especially family who we rarely get to see. My Grandparent's for example, who have become very attached to her, but move to Mexico for 6 months out of the year. Their gone but still got to experience Bean's first steps in a way. Frank ( and I guess myself, since we're married) has family in California, Ohio, and the Philippines. Bean hasn't met any of them but they still get to see pictures and I just think it's so neat.

Part of the reason, okay, most of the reason I started this blog was so I could talk about Bean and people could read up if they wanted to. I thought it would make me feel better about talking about her so much, but I still have this guilty, deep in the gut, feeling that I should probably cut down a bit and just keep some memories for Frank and I. Bah! I don't know.

Photo: Bean was taking pictures of herself with my phone. Defiantly my child.
Bean taking a photo of herself.

Yee, so Thanksgiving was yesterday. Facebook was full of statuses of what everyone was thankful for. I of course decided to not put what I was thankful for and post a picture of Bean instead. He he. 

My day started off by waking up to a familiar feeling at about 8AM. Bean was sprawled out across my torso with a full diaper. Diapers usually last around 10 hours with Bean... who pee's 24/7. ( Which is probably my fault since we still breastfeed and the only other liquid she drinks is water.) Anyways, that familiar feeling was Bean's milk induced pee running down my hip onto the bed. Sigh. This happens every other day. At least I'm forced to wash my sheets all the time. ( Yeah, I'm looking on the brighter side of the situation.) I got myself and Bean up and stumbled into her room, and got her some button up, to small, pajamas to throw on her since it was literally 50 degrees in the house.   

I grabbed a Monster, prenatal and banana, stuck Bean inside her Sit 'N' Play and proceeded to get on my computer and browse the internetz until I fully woke up. Frank was home today, still sleeping in the peed filled bed, as it was Thanksgiving and he would sleep as long as I would let him. Ha ha. 

I'm not going to lie, I have a full blown Pinterest addiction now. So many neat ideas! 

My Pinterest!

The day before Thanksgiving I was paid and went and bought apples and caramel sauce for that delicious  culinary art piece you see to your right there. I, of course, found the image on Pinterest. 

After browsing the web for what was probably a good hour I went and bathed you know who and proceeded to put a dress and tights on her. She fought the entire time. Elizabeth is one to likes to wiggle her toes and run around naked - which I'm sure is with every child. I have some fond memories of my baby sister running naked through the house, shrieking with excitement just because she was "nakie!" Lol. After showering on mine and Frank's half and a good nap from Bean we headed to my parents house around 12:30PM thinking we would be early as my mother told me dinner was going to be around 2PM. My older sister and her family had already showed and the house was full of chaos. 

I won't go into detail about the whole dinner situation but lets just say, I didn't fully enjoy myself and Tyler left to skateboard 5 minutes before dinner was done.

We ended up leaving around 4:30PM to go to dinner number 2 at Frank's parents house. By this time Bean hadn't had her 2nd nap and was cranky and whining about everything. Again, not going to go into detail about dinner but the same goes for this home. Didn't fully enjoy myself. 

Frank got a free turkey from work, as he does every year, so he is going to make his own Thanksgiving Feast today. We'll see how it turns out. 

I feel like it's Sunday today but it's Friday... Black FRIDAY! I don't do black Friday. I don't like people and I don't like shopping. I don't think the day would turn out well for me if I even tempted at it. 

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