Mishka |
It's getting to be that time of year again when it gets dark before dinner time and I wake up to windows fogged over because it's so cold. The only good, or funny thing, about my windows being fogged over is watching the kitties get overly upset about not being able to see outside. They sit at the window, waiting forever, in hopes that they will be able to bird watch with out using their face as a wash cloth.
I love fall, but this whole being 60 degrees inside and being dark makes me so tired. It used to bug me but now I almost can't stand it considering I don't sleep at night anymore. Ever since I stopped working, Elizabeth has become overly attached and I can't lay her down by herself ( while she's sleeping) without her freaking out. She literally HAS to sleep ON me, or Frank. Frank rarely lets her sleep on him and I let him get away with it since he has to get up for work and I've been staying home for the main purpose of keeping Liz comfortable and raising her with good moral values. Ha ha ha. With that being said, I've decided to take up a job, 1 day a week, with Sophie as an office assistant. Not only will I have a little extra cash but I think it will be a good "break" from home and Liz. I tried going back to work when Bean was 2 months old. I worked for about 2 1/2 months and it didn't work out. Not only did I not get to see Liz as much as wanted, but I was, still am, nursing and nursing and working really don't work out unless you have baby with you. Unless your one of those unbelievably lucky parents whose child takes both boob and bottle. Lucky bitches.
So, I start tomorrow and it will be the first time I'm away from Bean for more than 4 hours in about a month. We left her back in September to go to a wedding and of course I missed her the whole time. I'm staying optimistic though. Sophie says it's pretty laid back there and it's only 1 day a week. Maybe it will help both Bean AND myself to learn to be away from each other for a little while and neither one of us will die. Ha ha!
Liz & I from our "walk" yesterday! We went to my parents house, lol. |
The backyard and bit of my home. The weather was so neat today!
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