Thursday, October 18, 2012


It's 6:15PM and almost completely dark out. Seriously? I was so ready for fall, now that it's here I just want my sun back. Maybe taking Bean to the pumpkin patch this weekend will help lift my spirits. Keep your eyes  peeled friends, for a post following this weekend. I'm sure I'll have a countless amount of pictures of Bean and the fam to show you all.

Bean is 42 weeks old today. I think it's so weird that parents, doctors, or anyone with a child, uses weeks as an age. I should start telling people how many weeks old I am. There are actually a few people on my Facebook that actually celebrate, with cake and presents, each time their child turns another month older. Yeah, I know, it's crazy. Anyways, the only reason I know how old Liz is in weeks is because I get "newsletters" in my e-mail saying " Your child is 42 weeks old today!" I signed up for only God knows how many baby sites online. It's actually really nice. Who needs doctors? I have the internet! ( For all you Mom freaks out there, don't worry, I was joking in that last sentence. We go to the doctor.)

This weeks newsletter reads:

  • This week, many babies start another fussy period as they struggle to incorporate all the learning they've been doing.
  • Often babies this age will hold out an arm or leg to help you when you're getting them dressed. 
  • He may be able to hand-feed himself an entire meal though just as much many end up on the floor! 

Usually, these are pretty spot on with Bean. Obviously, every child is different so to make a week by week 'What your child could be doing' newsletter or whatever, is pretty cool if you ask me.

Currently, Elizabeth can do the following: 

- Crawl. Yes, that means she's been exploring everything. Although she's only made it half way through the hallway. The hallway is a pretty scary place.
- Pull herself up onto anything that is within her arms reach. The video above is her doing it for about the 3rd time.
- Play Peek-A-Boo. That means she can actually lift a blanket above her head and move it down. This is her favorite game, I swear she'll play it for hours if you would let her.
- Wave. Right now she gets that waving means " Hi!". So we've been going " Say hi to Gramma, Liz!" and she will wave to you. It's so cute. Still doesn't know you can do it when your leaving though. 


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