Monday, October 1, 2012

9 Months and counting

Dear Blogging Friends,                                                                                       Sept. 30th, 2012

It's the 30th. That means Elizabeth was 9 months old yesterday. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be telling people I have a 9 month old. I don't know why, but for some reason 9 months seems so old. Old baby stage. We ( My Mama and I) took her to the doctor on Friday for a 9 month old check-up/ flu shot. Yes, still living a block away from my parents, so nice to have someone drive us to town when you only have one vehicle for the time being. Anyways, she's now 17 pounds and 6 ounces. 17 freaking pounds. For those of you who don't really keep up with my blog, Bean was born 5 pounds 13 ounces; so 17 pounds is ridiculous! SHES HUGE! 26 1/2 inches long, I forget how big her head is. The nurses write down everything on a piece of a paper for you but I have it stashed away in her bebe book so I remember to record it... which I rarely remember to do anyways. I always thought I'd be one of those Mom's who record each and every little thing, so I was stoked when my oldest sister got me her a Baby Book to do such things. Now it sits in her shelf and a month after she's done something "remarkable" I remember to run and record some stuff. By then my memory of the fact is pretty non- existent and I'm probably writing down nonsense, ha!

Elizabeth's currently sitting in her Baby Einstein "Sit 'n' Play, yelling at me. Poor thing has a horrible cold. I don't know if it's the flu shot...are flu shots supposed to make you sick??? She was so sick the day after she got hers. I've been running to her aid with a 'suck up snot' tool every 5 minutes so she can breath. Must be nice. I wish I was a baby again.
About 20 weeks old here. Playing in her Sit N Play for the first time!

Oct. 1st, 2012
I really tried to come back and write a little more yesterday... obviously that didn't happen. I was reading over what I wrote and started thinking about something I found online while I was pregnant.

That, friends, is a "Nasal Aspirator". If you look at the picture closely, the Mama is using her MOUTH to suck out the snot. I don't know about you but I defiantly don't have the balls to even wanna try that. I'm sure there's some sort of filter to save you from the mounds of mucus headed to your mouth while your sucking but yuck..still. I can see how something that freaking disgusting could be so appealing though after having a baby with an endless amount of snot coming out of her nose for the past 3 days.

I woke up to being peed on this morning. It's not that her diaper was so full that there was no where for it to go, which has happened before. It was that her diaper happened to be just perfect that pee would go all over myself and the bed.

Mama problemz.

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