Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hash-tag Mess

Okay, so seriously, friends, if you're going to be a social butterfly on the interwebz, do it freaking right. I can't tell you how many friends and family I see on Facebook using hash-tags. I know I'm not the only one who gets super bugged out by this.

" It is so cloudy and muggy today. #todaysucks #wantanewlife"

The status above would be completely appropriate for Twitter or Instagram where hash-tags have A PURPOSE and bring you to a whole new page to browse or in Twitter's case, you can only write so much before they cut you off.

 If you're using them on Facebook:

A) It is just showing you're probably too old for Twitter ( you might have no idea what Twitter is!) and you're trying to keep up with kids new lingo or whatever.
AKA: You're TRYING to be "cool" when in reality you look really stupid squishing a sentence together.

B) You really thought hash-tags had a purpose on your Facebook! Half the statuses you see on your news feed are using them! Look closer, frand, these people are most likely actually updating their Twitter and have their Facebook/Twitter account synced up with each other.
AKA: You're TRYING to be "cool" when in reality you look really stupid squishing a sentence together.

C) You know hash-tags aren't supposed to be on Facebook, but you're a rebel! Social networking is stupid! So you're going to use those hash-tags on Facebook and make fun of everyone from Twitter.
AKA: You're TRYING to be "cool" when in reality you look really stupid squishing a sentence together.

I guess all I can say is, be yourself. If being yourself is any of those options I guess I can deal, but seriously? Come on.

Best regards,

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