Sunday, February 3, 2013


Yesterday morning, I woke up to Bean kicking my back and making strange noises. I had a urge to check my Facebook as I do every morning. Something inside of me told me this isn't okay. So, I made a pact with myself to not get on Facebook for an entire week. Let me tell you, yesterday way a rough one. I had thoughts of " What if someone messaged me?!" All. Day. I seriously have a problem. Overall, I feel better already though. I found myself thinking negative every time I was on it. Besides real life problems yesterday, I was in a pretty good mood.

Frank had 3 friends over yesterday for a Call of Duty: Black Ops, Lan party. 12PM - Right now. Yes, I have a boy who I just met last night sleeping on my living room floor. The house is a mess. Smells like beer and paraphernalia  This isn't unusual. When we were younger, Frank had friends over all the time to play games till the sunrise and everything was good. Of course, now...we have Elizabeth. I used to play games right along with them. Now, Bean and I were pretty much shunned to my bedroom to watch T.V. and clean all day. It's getting really irritating knowing NOTHING for my husband's life has changed and everything in my life, has. I know they're husbands out there that help raise their children. Mine provides money and that's about it right now and I'm so tired of it. Probably wasn't a good day to get rid of Facebook as it kept me from being bored out of my mind for hours.

If anyone has any advice for me that would be great! I'm off to go pick up after 3 grown men and a 1 year old.

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