Thursday, August 30, 2012


As a new "Mama" ( I used quotations with Mama because apparently the correct spelling is M-o-m-m-a, but every time I see it spelled that way I pronounce it "Moe-ma", which sounds ridiculous to MAma it is!) I find myself being judged for the weirdest things. The other day, Frank and I were at PetSmart for the furry kidz and had put Elizabeth in the cart and buckled her up. She had just woken up so was a little wobbly but fine none the less. Yes, you guys, my now EIGHTH MONTH OLD ( yesterday actually!) is a pro at sitting up now, can take steps ( with help, of course) and is trying her hardest to crawl. ( She's a little behind in the crawling department but that was expected since she isn't much of a "tummy-time" lady.) I spend literally every second with her so I know, very well, whether if she is capable of sitting up in a store cart or not; but some 30something year old woman with 3 kids leaving the store just had  to make a comment.

" Oh! She is pretty little, are you sure she's going to be able to sit up in there??!" 

Really lady? Freaking, really? Do seriously think we'd put our child in a store cart if she wasn't capable of sitting up on her own?

Frank, when shopping alone with Bean, apparently gets these comments a lot. That was the only one I've ever received, besides the first time we took Bean out to the grocery store when she was a month old and was told to put more clothes on her. SO. ANNOYING. She had THREE layers on and 2 blankets. I was ready to smack the lady. Nothing irritates me more than someone who thinks they can parent someones else's child better...and a lot of things irritate me. What makes them think they're SO much better at taking care of MY child? I know her better than anyone. People like that have a mentality that they're better than everyone and feel the need to share their "wisdom" to make the world a better place.

Okay. Done ranting...for now. I think.

I took this picture using my new iPhone 2 days ago. 
It's almost fall! I'm so excited. I'm so one of those people that wish it was a different season every year. During the winter, all I can think of is how nice the sun would be, chilling in the grass with Sven and Mishka, THE BEACH. During the summer my thought process is " OMG! CHRISTMAS!!!!! CHRISTMAS CRAFTS!" Except for right now, it's the end of August and all I can think of is how cute Elizabeth is going to be when we can take her to the pumpkin patch and have her sit on pumpkins and take 45379389 photos.

Speaking of crafts and fall...and crafts. My frand Hannah got me addicted to this "App" off Facebook ( of course) called Pinterest. It's basically a crafters dream. So many ideas! I've gone completely nuts over most the ideas on the site and have vowed that I will finish all that I've stuck on "my board" called " Want to try!" The sad thing is, most of them are actually doable and I probably won't finish all of them, or as much as I'd like to. I'm going to put in a valiant effort though. I've already completed two! Which is awesome for myself considering I have an ACTUALLY attached eight month old on me 95% of the time I'm awake AND asleep.
This is one project that I finished. Obviously not in this picture but I keepz ma make-up tools in it! 
These are rock frandz. Frand Hannah found the idea on the internets, cough cough, Pinterest. I put them in Bean's room.

So. I'm really hoping I'll be able to make more time for myself and do these crafts. I know all you Mama's out there are laughing at me but when there's a will there's a way! Bahahaha. Plus, Bean's been getting a whole lot better about "being by herself". OH! She eats food now too. Like, actual bites of delicious bebe foodz. Organic of course. Only my bebe would know the difference between regular food and organic.


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