Friday, June 29, 2012

Lessons Learned

I realize I haven't written in a few weeks. June is a busy month for this lady. Also, Bean has decided that if she is not in contact with my skin at all times, the world is ending and all will be lost. I can't leave her sight without her making this high pitched scream like something is trying to eat her. It's only when we're together, alone though. If Frank, or anyone else is here, she's fine with me putting her down. I suppose I don't mind it all that much - I kind of expected it since I've heard "horror" stories of Tyler and I screaming at the bathroom door while my Mom tried to take a pee.

Anyways. To catch up.
                  The 25th was Sophie's birfday! Happeh Birfday Sophie! :3                                    

Sophie is the only other person that understands le kittehs like I do. 
The 18th was Frank's birthday.
 It was a Monday - we still celebrated with a lazagana dinner made by my Mama and ice cream cake. It totally prooves how "old" we are though. Besides the fact that we are ready to go to bed by 8:45PM pretty much every night ( and this was before we had Elizabeth.) We don't have ridiculous birthday parties anymore for turning a year older. 
Frank's 19th b-day @ Hooters - Pat & Luke

Funny thing is, we didn't do any of it on purpose. one day we just got tired of going around and acting like idiots. We were tired and we're going to bed! Except for myself... it honestly takes me HOURS to fall asleep which is why I go to bed so early. Frank can fall asleep within 2 minutes, and I'm not kidding. I think part of that has to do with him having to get up at 2AM for work, only particially though. The first time we ever hung out as an actual couple, 16 years old, we went to his room and took a nap. I got in trouble that day, ha ha. 

The 17th was Father's Day. Frank's first fathers day! Hooray! Here are some pictures of some happy Dads. 

Frank and Bean ( Teehee) at the Tulipz. 

My Dad & I just chilling in the snow.

This month, Frank and Tyler also finished building their mini ramp in our backyard. I'm so glad they're doing something outside. 
"The Mini" Frank spruced up the picture with his trendy Instagram app. 

Oh and today is June 29th, which means Elizabeth is 6 MONTHS OLD. That's half way to a year you guys. A YEAR. She's already scooting about on her tummy trying to get places, it's hilarious looking. She looks like a little inch worm. 

I tried giving her some rice cereal this week - she got in about 2 bites. She isn't a fan at all. I blame " The grandparents". My mother in law, Diane, already gave her honey-do and a milano cookie, and my Dad gave her some banana. When you compare rice cereal to those, no wonder she doesn't want it. >:|


  • Elizabeth sleeps better in zip up footie pajamas. She only woke up once last night and slept until 9:45AM this morning. That is a record. 
  • When your forced to buy House Blend coffee instead of your regular French Roast, your husband will go out of his way to find the last of the French in the house and drink it all. Note: Hide all delicious coffeez. 
  • Do not dye your own hair with $7 dye. My hair is currently half red, half blonde and I'm not over exaggerating. Frank is paying for me to get my hair professionally fixed tomorrow though, making up for the coffee incident. ;) Will someone please explain to me how blonde hair dye can turn my already blonde hair to RED??
  • No matter how hot it is inside, do not keep door open. Mosquitoes have been breeding in our yard and have made their way inside. I've woken up to being bitten far to many times and have a constant feeling of bugs all over me like some kind of tweaker. 

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