Friday, June 1, 2012

BEAN: 22 weeks old

Yesterday, my Elizabeth Ann was 22 weeks old. My entire life every adult has always told me " When you're older, time flies and all of a sudden 20 years has gone by, and blah blah blah." Seriously. Probably every adult has told me this at least once, and it's totally true. It used to bug the poopz out of me - Being told once I'm fine with, being told twice is okay, my memory is by far not anything like the character Sheldon's from "The Big Bang Theory"( Yeah, I watch that show.) being told a 4th, 5th, 6th, 65464235975597 time, is more irritating than standing in line behind an 80 year old writing a check for her $2 drink.

This time last year Bean looked something like this:

BEAN: 8 weeks in teh womb. This is the picture  that sparked her nickname "Bean" - Thanks "Aunt" Sophie! :3
Okay, she probably had sprouted arms and legs, and didn't have a tail anymore... but you get the idea. 
22 weeks old: Sven is training her. 

Now, she looks like this ---->
She is soooo big. To me. Everyone that sees her, lets say at that grocery store (cause that is usually my "big" outing for the day) go " AWWWEZ! Look, a brand new bebe! She is so wittle! How old??" and then I reply " Oh, she is 5 months." They look at me like I'm a horrible Mama, as if I don't feed her or something. Just for everyone's information, Bean has been tiny her entire life and she is le perfectz to me! I really hate having to explain that to anyone that comes in contact with us. 
TIP OF TEH DAY: Stop being so judgmental of others appearance and be haaappy! 

Anyways, done ranting now. Bean really was small though. 5lbs, 13oz and 18 3/4  long - only 3 days early. She was and is perfectly healthy, just small. I'm sure it's cause I'm not a big person and she is 1/4 Filipino. I'm not an expert on Filipino women, but it seems to me most of them are little.   

She went from a tiny humanz that did nothing but sleep,eat, and poop to sleeping, eating, pooping, grabbing, nomming, and more. Yesterday, she blurted out "Mom" although I don't think it was on purpose. I had been going " Saaaay Mama! Saaaay Mom!" for a good hour and I'm pretty sure she was just mimicking my words. Bean has been super fascinated with sounds for the past month. Noise has always grabbed her attention but she is just now trying to make and mimic them herself. She was singing along with Radiohead yesterday - I was super excited. She also, again, for the past month, sings herself to sleep. It's hilarious. 


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