Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I've decided to start a blog, obviously. Actually, I had decided to start a blog when I found out I was pregnant and wanted to update the internet worldz on the little bean that was growing inside me - without bugging the living poop out of everyone on Facebook. Believe it or not but I'm quite aware that most people on my friends list don't give a rats ass that my little girl just started reaching for things and hasn't pooped in 2 days.

I suppose I'll start off with an "About me" section, but before you continue they're some things you should be aware of:

1.) My grammar/writing skills are horrible. I haven't been to school in about 6 years and I'm an devoted LOLCat fan, which means I sometimes like to pretend I'm a kitty and write like I'm one too. I probably spend at LEAST an hour laughing at funny animal pictures on the internet. I even have an App on my phone for easy lol sessions. If you haven't ever been to, please go there now.

2.) 98% of my posts are going to be about Bean ( My daughter Elizabeth) and I ( Me, Tiffeny) Teanie is my gamer tag. Hence the title " Teanie & the Bean". The other 2% I'm sure will include my husband Frank and my 2 kitties, Sven and Mishka.

If any of the things I just wrote about irritate you, I strongly urge you to stop reading now.

So. About me. 

My name is Tiffeny Steele. ( Visten)
I was 23 on January 3rd, 2012. It's the first time in my life that I actually feel my age too.
ME: I chose this photo cause I think it describes my personality best.

I married my BFF, Frank, on August 13, 2011. Which means I've been a wife for a little over 9 months. We've been together for almost 6 years.

We have a daughter, Elizabeth Ann. She was born December 29, 2011. Yes, which means I was 5 months pregnant when we got married, and no, she is not the reason we decided to tie the knot. I had actually already bought my dress before I found out and ended up having to buy a new, bigger, dress. A brides worst nightmare.


We have 2 kitties, Sven and Mishka. Frank and I adopted Sven from NOAH in October, 2010. He was the cutest bebe kitteh ever. Mishka was a runaway kitten my frand Sophie found in some bushes a few months after taking Sven in. She was a fluffy, black, wild kitteh. Sven tried to eat her when they first met.

We live all live on Camano Island, WA. Frank and I basically grew up here. I moved to the island when I was 13 and Frank moved here when he was 10. We're pretty happy here for the most part. I live a block away from my parents, and a couple miles away from Frank's parents. It's great considering the "new grand-bebe". Plus, I've always been super close with my family; we lived in Stanwood for about a year ( 15 minutes away) and I wasn't a fan. It's beautiful here. If our house was a few rooms bigger, I'd stay here foreverz.

This is our backyard from February, 2012. 
I come from a family of 6, including myself. ( As I stated earlier, I'm pretty close with them, so yes, I'm including them in my "About Me" section.) There is my Dad Greg, Mama Kim, Older sister Sam ( Stephanie), Younger brother Tyler, and Younger sister Hannah. That leaves me right in the middle. I guess you could say I'm the classic middle child. I've always been quiet, moody and weird.

Here is some pictures of the fam!

My Mama, Frank, me and Dad on our Wedding Day. 

My sister Sam and her family. Eric, Miles and Holden! I stole this picture from her Facebook. XD
My brother Tyler and Bean chillin' at the skate park. Bean loves him more than a fat kid loves cake.

My little sister Hannah. We're 8 years apart and I still think of her being 3 years old. She hates it.

Well, that's a "short" version of what my life involves. This entire post has taken me a course of 3 days to write. If any of you know what it's like to try and write with a 5 month old on your lap, you understand. If you don't, then I'm assuming you get the gist. It's hard.

Here is a recent cheeseburgerz photo for all my animal lovin' frandz out there. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this, Tiffay Babay! I love getting to read about your life even though we live in different worlds. The internet is incredible.
