Friday, July 27, 2012


Hello blogging frandz! You'd think since I stay at home for 95% of the time, I'd have time to write but this whole bebe thing really keeps you busy. Kudos to all you mama's out there.

I had plans to write about this whole road trip thing I did this month but I really don't feel up to it. Basically, the fam and I went to go see the Redwoods in California and stopped in Oregon along the way there and back. We had a good time but I don't think I have to say/type this when saying camping with a bebe is hard. Camping sober is hard. It was a really neat experience though and I'm glad I saw the Redwoods. They're huge. Huge isn't even a big enough word for them.
To the left is Dad, Frank & Bean, Mom, Hannah and Cleo poking her head in from the right. Cleo is my baby cousin. Not really a bebe, 12 years old. The picture is right  before we decided to take a hike - the tree was in the super lame campsite we decided to settle in at. The hike, I thought, I was 11 miles. We had an entire argument for 2 days about how long it was and had agreed upon 11. Now Dad is telling everyone it was 8, and Mom is saying it was 10. Whatever. I'm going to say it was 11 and sound like a badass.
Plus side to trip - I got 489745975978 cute pictures of Bean! 

 Elizabeth was 30 weeks old yesterday, in 2 days she will be 7 months old. Preeeeetty crazay. We started her on "solid" foodz other than just rice cereal this month. So far she likes bananas and that is it. My Dad tried giving her ONE grain of rice, figuring she would like it on account of the rice cereal but the minute that tiny little grain hit her tongue her face turned from " OMG FOODZ?!" to " o.m.g. wtf is this Papa?" and started to gag and spit it out. My baby gagged from the taste of rice. Rice doesn't taste like anything. Sigh. She is most definitely my child. I like rice, but grew up on top raumen so I'm pretty picky. Frank on the other hand will inhale anything, including "balut". If you don't know what that is, google it, if you dare. 

Bean also has a bit of a vocabulary now. She can currently say " Mama, Mom, Amom, Ada, Papa, Apa,  and Baba". Of course, she only says these on her own terms, if you ask her to she will just laugh at you. Anything that has to do with "Mom" as well is only spoken when she is upset. Go figure. 
The video was taken at the condo we stayed at in Newport. We left the diapers in the Jeep and Frank had to run down to get them. Elizabeth obviously wasn't being a patient one - I wouldn't be either if I had soiled myself.  I kind wish we had stayed there the whole week. It was super nice, much better than expected. 

At our room in the condo.

Here's an LOLcat picture to mix thingz up.

Totally me when we had cable. Fluffy, white and holding onto the remote for dear life yelling at the tube.


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Potato incident of 2012

It's 9:48am, Thursday the 19th of July. I woke up today to sun shining through my curtains and thoughts of a great breakfast involving a "potato patty" aka potato pancake, made from last nights mashed potatoes and bacon wrapped chicken. For those who don't know me, I'm a big potato fan, if you haven't guessed this already. Potato patties are my favorite breakfast food. Their fried mashed potato patties covered in butter. So. good.

I detached Elizabeth from my boob. ( She's been using my warlocks as a pacifier lately) Threw on some pants, as it was surprisingly a little chilly in the house today, put some socks on Bean and made my way to the kitchen. I took a pan out and turned the stove on to get it ready for potato cookin'. Opened the fridge where I thought would be a cute little tupper ware container filled with delicious goodness.


Potatoes = Gone.
I then remembered Frank. Frank. That great husband of mine. That husband of mine who mentioned to me last night at dinner that he was making extra chickens to bring to work today for lunch. He must of taken the potatoes to make a full meal out of it. My breakfast potatoes. My potatoes. 

You can only imagine how devastated I was considering as of right meow our cupboards only consist of the following: 

- 4 things of chicken Top Raumen. 
- 2 things of beef Top Raumen. 
- 2 bags of Flaming Hot Cheetos. ( I hate regular Cheetos) 
- Half a bag of marshmallows
- Oatmeal.

Oh and Bean's rice cereal/ bebe food which if you ask me would be really weird if I included that in a list of food I bought for myself to eat.
Our fridge also has a big bag of  "Cutie" oranges which taste like sausages from our current camping trip.

I won't be eating those.

I googled this. My potatoes never look this fancy but taste most excellent none the less. 

It's now Sunday...the 22nd. Sigh. So much for me actually finishing blogs "on time". We went and got more food so I am no longer dying of nutrition. As a nursing Mama, having food is pretty essential at this point. About 6 more months and I'll no longer have to be sober! Do you realize I have been sober ( from everything ) since I found I was pregnant? Other than Tyler's 21st birthday - I had ONE drink and of course felt completely guilty about it. I'm aware I'm "aloud" to have a drink here and there but I really don't see the point in having A drink unless I plan to get at least a little tipsy. Of course, since I'm so "small" and hadn't drank any alcohol in about a year at that point, that one drink gave me a nice warm buzz which I fully enjoyed until I got home. Frank and I's first year anniversary is coming up, so I might enjoy a glass of wine then too. We'll see.

Sven just spilt his water bowl. You can tell this house we're living in currently isn't built well. At all. Every time something spills, such as Sven's water, it always leaks in one direction and I have to hurry up to catch it before it starts to pool onto the carpet. So ready to move. As much as I love this home, the view is fantastic and being close to Mom & Dad is great, I can't stand how poorly everything is put together. I'd also really, REALLY enjoy a bathtub and bathroom that is separate from the laundry room. I have to keep repeating to myself, " At least there's a washer and dryer".

This has been my desktop image for the past year.