I've decided to start a blog, obviously. Actually, I had decided to start a blog when I found out I was pregnant and wanted to update the internet worldz on the little bean that was growing inside me - without bugging the living poop out of everyone on Facebook. Believe it or not but I'm quite aware that most people on my friends list don't give a rats ass that my little girl just started reaching for things and hasn't pooped in 2 days.
I suppose I'll start off with an "About me" section, but before you continue they're some things you should be aware of:
1.) My grammar/writing skills are horrible. I haven't been to school in about 6 years and I'm an devoted LOLCat fan, which means I sometimes like to pretend I'm a kitty and write like I'm one too. I probably spend at LEAST an hour laughing at funny animal pictures on the internet. I even have an App on my phone for easy lol sessions. If you haven't ever been to icanhascheezburger.com, please go there now.
2.) 98% of my posts are going to be about Bean ( My daughter Elizabeth) and I ( Me, Tiffeny) Teanie is my gamer tag. Hence the title " Teanie & the Bean". The other 2% I'm sure will include my husband Frank and my 2 kitties, Sven and Mishka.
If any of the things I just wrote about irritate you, I strongly urge you to stop reading now.
So. About me.
My name is Tiffeny Steele. ( Visten)
I was 23 on January 3rd, 2012. It's the first time in my life that I actually feel my age too.
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ME: I chose this photo cause I think it describes my personality best. |
I married my BFF, Frank, on August 13, 2011. Which means I've been a wife for a little over 9 months. We've been together for almost 6 years.
We have a daughter, Elizabeth Ann. She was born December 29, 2011. Yes, which means I was 5 months pregnant when we got married, and no, she is not the reason we decided to tie the knot. I had actually already bought my dress before I found out and ended up having to buy a new, bigger, dress. A brides worst nightmare.
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We have 2 kitties, Sven and Mishka. Frank and I adopted Sven from NOAH in October, 2010. He was the cutest bebe kitteh ever. Mishka was a runaway kitten my frand Sophie found in some bushes a few months after taking Sven in. She was a fluffy, black, wild kitteh. Sven tried to eat her when they first met.
This is our backyard from February, 2012. |
My sister Sam and her family. Eric, Miles and Holden! I stole this picture from her Facebook. XD |
My brother Tyler and Bean chillin' at the skate park. Bean loves him more than a fat kid loves cake. |
My little sister Hannah. We're 8 years apart and I still think of her being 3 years old. She hates it. |
Well, that's a "short" version of what my life involves. This entire post has taken me a course of 3 days to write. If any of you know what it's like to try and write with a 5 month old on your lap, you understand. If you don't, then I'm assuming you get the gist. It's hard.
Here is a recent cheeseburgerz photo for all my animal lovin' frandz out there.